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We work with you based upon the PD Warrior ethos.  We are your support network, education provider, enabler, confidence giver and motivational coach. As a rehab program, PD warrior is second to none. With us, you’ll learn how to move well, believe in yourself and live better with Parkinson’s.


Our group sessions currently run at Port Moody Recreation Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-10am.

Parkinson's Disease
PD warrior group based exercise class image

An individualised assessment and treatment programme is developed for you specific to your dominant PD symptoms

Shelly Yu instructing a PD warrior class

In home sessions will allow for an instant practical application of exercises that means fewer barriers to starting and maintaining your physical activity

Scarf Snatch exercise performed by Dominic Wade Physiotherapist

Challenging you to exercise in a specific way, for your PD symptoms, helps to drive the brains natural ability to re-wire itself and protect itself depending on how your Parkinson’s effects you

Parkinson's disease is a condition that affects the brain and makes it hard for people to move their bodies the way they want to. Inside the brain, there are special cells called neurons that help control movement and coordination. When a person has Parkinson's, some of these neurons start to die.


When these neurons die, a chemical called dopamine starts to decrease in the brain. Dopamine helps our bodies move smoothly and without any trouble. So, when there's less of it, it can become harder to move the way we want to, or even to do simple things like writing or getting dressed.


We're still trying to figure out exactly what causes these neurons to die, but we know that it's a combination of things. Some people might have a genetic predisposition to Parkinson's, which means it runs in their family. But that's not always the case, and sometimes it just happens for no apparent reason.


In addition to the loss of dopamine, there are other changes that happen in the brain of someone with Parkinson's. There are things called Lewy bodies that form, which are clumps of a protein. These clumps can contribute to the death of the dopamine-producing neurons and cause other symptoms of Parkinson's.


Unfortunately, there's no cure for Parkinson's yet. But there are things that can help people with Parkinson's feel better and stay active. There are medicines that can increase the dopamine levels in the brain, and physical therapy that can help slow down the changes that occur with in the body. Exercise has been shown to be helpful. Things like dance, tai chi, and boxing, cycling, spin or even high intensity exercises.


It's also really important for people with Parkinson's to have a good support system. This might mean having family and friends who are there for them, or working with a doctor or therapist who understands their needs. With the right help and support, people with Parkinson's can live happy and fulfilling lives.

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